Finding Opportunities - Avoiding Pitfalls

Bridging Resource Gaps

Everyone Leaves Footprints, We Make Ours Count
Emergency Preparedness and Response is the name of the game. To win at this game, or even just to compete, leadership is key … leadership that effectively bridges across a diverse assortment of sectors and agencies.

DIR educates and trains clients in ways that guard against group-think tendencies and overcome the silo-style mentalities so prevalent among our larger, more bureaucratic institutions.

Unifying broad purpose and action, DIR Consulting provides the overarching vision necessary to meaningfully connect people beyond immediate scopes of authority. It is our mission to bridge essential resources, forging the ever-indispensable Connected Relationship.

Connected Relationships

Joining together in clear and compelling causes is the principal aim of a connected relationship, in order to leverage the strength of cross-organizational collaboration. It is through these intimate partnerships that we are able help clients improve situational awareness, better coordinate activity, and more effectively link efforts with the larger world around them.
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Bridging Silos

Insular cultures with independent allegiances are compelled to advocate for their own self-interest and tend to be narrowly focused and steeped in competitive traditions, particularly among organizations with overlapping functions. Our firm provides the Connected Relationship framework to bridge the gaps between silos in a manner that unifies their collective purpose.
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The most important set of DIR skills includes those related to effective communication. We leverage this ability in a manner that recruits engagement and support across a broad network of relevant audiences, providing an overarching framework that connects our clients to information flows otherwise unavailable to them.
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Teams are synergistic force multipliers who invest personally in a common view of work and purpose. DIR Consulting helps create teamwork-supportive organizational structures that stimulate and challenge the status quo in ways that go beyond role prescriptions. This functionality is our mainstay for building resilience through client collaboration.
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DIR Consulting brings to bear decades of experience from the frontline trenches of our nation’s largest recovery operations, from 9/11 to COVID‐19, including the top five of our nation’s most devastating hurricanes.
Our Firm

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